
Medium close-ups analysis

The anxious expression on Walter’s face represents the tension of the scene where the couple attempts to start the car. Billy Wilder showcases how they have lost their sanity and morals in the pursuit of passion and money. In this photo, Walter Neff and Phyllis Dietrichson are attempting to start their car to drive away from the train station. They have left the corpse of Mr. Dietrichson on the train tracks. Phyllis has just failed to start the car three times and it isn’t until Walter turns the key that the engine turns on. Big close-ups and extreme close-ups are used to demonstrate anxiety or discomfort. This frame is two medium close-ups, but it still conveys the anxiety and depravity of its subjects with their worried expressions. Walter’s creased eyebrows and forehead show that he is anxious to leave Mr. Dietrichson behind for the road. Phyllis doesn’t have any apparent expression, but it is implied that she is also anxious from Walter’s expression and the previous moments of this...

Medium close-ups


Big Close Up Analysis

By casting half of John Anderton’s face in stark colors, Spielburg successfully created a portrait of his insecurity and vulnerability that gives the audience a brief glimpse of John’s other life. Spielberg dramatically reveals another part of the hero cop, switching from a cheery Pre Crime advertisement to the depressing drug deal scene. This Big Close Up is played multiple times during important parts of the conversation between John and the drug dealer, allowing the viewer to make inferences about his character. The image itself is half of a face in the center third of the frame, with no other objects to emphasize how important his vulnerability is and to create the notion that this part of him should stay in the darkness. Spielberg artistically arranges objects vertically through the center of the frame. The focal point, or the eye, is in the upper part of the frame, allowing the viewer’s gaze to drift downwards. The eye is likely seen first, followed by the eye bag, followed by t...

Minority Report Frame Analysis

This close up shot is a part of John Anderton's drug deal. The director is showcasing John’s desperation and shady atmosphere of the drug deal in one shot.

Recent films I’ve seen

 I have seen Minority Report, Spider-Man Homecoming, Detective Pikachu, Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo, and Teen Titans Go vs. the Teen Titans.